Cosmoball 1.0 is another breakout game, this time in a sci-fi style.
Cosmoball was developed by Arcadebird, but they have chosen to offer this program for free at www.gametop.com, and they don´t offer it at their own site, www.arcadebird.com.
This game is based in the old Arkanoid idea: a square board with wall in three sides, and you with a bat in the remaining side. You have to make a ball bounce on the walls or your bat, and destroy bricks on the board.
This time you have a 3D view of the board. The bat is actually a spaceship, and the bricks are boxes. The board is somewhere in the space, and the boxes seems to be in a place with no atmosphere, with slow motion movements.
Some bricks will no disappear, some bricks will release special items that would be effective if catched by the spaceship. The items in green will be helpfult to you (enlarge bat size, gunbat, triple ball, fireball, enlarge ball, missiles...), the marked in red will be harmful (lose a life, shrink bat, smaller ball...). There´s one item marked in yellow, Impulse, that will move the boxes.
On the board you will have frozen flowers. Try to hit them, because when you hit 30 of them you get an extra life.
By pressing and holding the mouse right button, if you move it you will change your point of view.